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Glazings, Windscreen, Rear window, Side Ice
You are in search of a Windscreen, of a side ice, a rear window

Make reach us your demand(request) by e-mail


Coupé Talbot-Lago Grand Sport par Saoutchik (1948)
Minor (T4, 4 cylindres)
Junior 11
Baby 2,7 litres (T15)
Baby 3 litres (T120)
T150 3 litres
Baby 4 litres (T150 C)
Lago Spécial (T150 C)
Lago SS (T150 C)
Lago Grand-Sport (T26)
Lago Sport 2500 (T14 LS)
Cadette 2 litres (T11)
Major 3 litres (T120)
Major 4 litres (T23)
Lago Record 4,5 litres (T26)
Master 3 litres (T120)
Master 4 litres (T23)
Simca 1100 (1967-1981)
Chrysler Sunbeam (1977-1981)
Simca Horizon
Chrysler 1610 / 2 litres (1979)
Chrysler Avenger (1979)
Cabriolet Talbot Samba (1984)
Samba (1981-1986)
Samba cabriolet (1982-1986)
Horizon (1977-1987)
Arizona (1985)
1510 (1979-1982)
Solara (1980-1986)
Tagora (1980-1983)
Matra-Simca Bagheera (1973-1980)
Matra-Simca Rancho (1977-1984)
Talbot-Matra Murena (1980-1983)
Talbot Express (1991)
1100 VF 1
1100 VF 2
1100 VF 3
1100 Pick-up
Express (1982-1995)

Interparebrise FRANCE - 27, Rue Gustave Delory - 42000 Saint-Etienne - FRANCE - tél. +33 4 77 93 78 81 - mail : contact@interparebrise.com